Robotic Process Automation(RPA): Beginners guide

3 min readSep 15, 2021

Hello folks,
I am glad to tell you that I recently started studying RPA(Robotic Process Automation). At first I had second thoughts about it, but somehow being jobless :) I decided that I'll move forward with it. To be honest it was boring but as I moved on with the learning. It started to trigger me. RPA is something with anyone can study at any point of time, NOT A SINGLE PREREQUISITE required, isn't that what all of us want. So talking about RPA, and also I'm still a beginner.

Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have been brought new reflections on businesses. One of the essential outputs of AI is Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

What is RPA(Robotic Process Automation)

Two leading companies in the Robotic Process Automation world defines RPA as

  1. Automation Anywhere: “RPA is simple — and powerful — business process automation software. Robotic Process Automation enables you with tools to create your own software robots to automate any business process. Your “bots” are configurable software set up to perform the tasks you assign and control.”
  2. UiPath: “Robotic Process Automation is the technology that allows anyone today to configure computer software, or a “robot” to emulate and integrate the actions of a human interacting within digital systems to execute a business process”

So, this is what leading companies say about RPA, now a simple word definition of RPA that I came up with:
“RPA is a Software Program(Software robot). A technology that automates business process by mimicking and emulating human interactions using some virtual robots equipped with AI(Artificial Intelligence), NLP(Natural Language Processing) etc..”

RPA automates portions of the work such as Data Entry, Data Manipulation, Data Extraction, Email Automation, filling forms and much more of repeated work.

Why do we need RPA?

The future of work requires the establishment of robots to an extent. They will be virtually existing as an employee, a colleague or a boss :( . RPA is one of the critical application of this robotic technology in the market.

What happen when RPA added to business?

Cost Reduction:

RPA can reduce cost by automating repetitive tasks that would otherwise be done by humans.

Increase in Productivity:

RPA may accomplish in a short period of time what a single individual would take months or maybe more, to accomplish.

No Human Errors:

If your RPA system is well defined, you can achieve more accuracy than you would with human workers because computers do not become tired with repetitive tasks.

RPA is a simple and quick approach for a business to improve repetitive, rule-based, and time-consuming operations. It may be used with a wide range of platforms, including desktop and enterprise applications in businesses. Decision-makers ought to realize the possibilities of this era for his or her economies to take benefit of the capability for productiveness increase and that they want to undertake guidelines to sell funding and enterprise possibilities to sell persisted improvement and innovation.

Good luck in your RPA journey :)

happy hacking❤

